creative commons

Copyright talk with Olivier Charbonneau: what's your end goal?

What is your goal as an artist or creator? Do you want your music to simply be shared among friends for fun? Or are you looking to make a career out of your musical talent? What path do you want to take to get to your end goal?

These are the types of questions that came to light during my discussion with Olivier Charbonneau last Thursday.

Share your Creativity! OIMA and Creative Commons

Did you know that any original work you’ve made, whether that’s a catchy song or a finger painting, is automatically protected under copyright? This is because generally, original creative works are protected under copyright law as soon as they’ve been created, just as long as they’re fixed  in a permanent form (for example, recorded or written down or finger painted). You don’t even need to register for copyright protection (although, it's strongly recommended)!

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